School of Physics

Traditional Introductory Physics I
PHYS 2211 A & B

Final Exam Information

Spring 2020
Final Exam Final Exam Form Solutions

The time for the PHYS 2211 Final Exam is
Monday, April 27, 6:00–8:50pm EDT.
A Formula Sheet and Table 12.2 from your text, Moments of Inertia for Objects of Uniform Density, will be provided.

Class Instructor Class Time Final Exam Location
2211 A Darnton MWF 10:10am NA
2211 B Murray MWF 9:05am NA

Quiz #5 from 2014
Although no old final exams are available for practice, in the past there were five quizzes in the course, and the very last topic, Simple Harmonic Motion, is no longer covered. The result is that old Quiz #5's are largely on the topics that now appear only on the final exam. Here are two old Quiz #5's, with the same disclaimer as the other old quizzes:

Students wishing to practice … are invited to review the following materials, which consist of actual quizzes and/or solutions from previous semesters … You should also not make the mistake of assuming that these are practice quizzes for this term–the appearance (or absence) of a particular type of problem in the quizzes listed here should not be indicative of the only types of problems you might see … It is up to you to make intelligent use of this information.

Spring 2013 Spring 2014
Quiz 5 Quiz

