School of Physics

Traditional Introductory Physics I
PHYS 2211 A & B



From poorest to best performance, each student's quizzes will count 6%, 9%, 12%, and 18%, respectively, of their course grade.

Students excused by the Institute under section IV.B.3 of the Student Rules and Regulations must make alternative quiz-taking arrangements at least a week in advance. Students whose presence elsewhere is required by a court of law, or for whom accommodation for an absence is requested by the Office of the Dean of Students, must substitute their final exam grade for the grade of the missed quiz. Note that the Office of the Dean of Students will not make such a request for routine matters such as short-term illness, doctor appointments, wedding attendance … job interviews, and the like.

Formula Sheets

Students may not bring formula sheets to the quizzes or final exam. This standardized formula sheet will be provided for the quizzes and final exam (PDF format).

Calculator Policy

Calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Our expectations for your work on the free response problems are the same good problem-solving practices you should be using on the homework, anyway.

You may find an example helpful.

Quiz Day Protocol

  1. Wait outside the entrance to the room. Turn off and put away all cell phones and pagers. Do not enter the room until admitted by a proctor.
  2. Quizzes will be laid out on the desks before you enter the room. The proctors will begin admitting students shortly before the quiz begins. Sit at a desk with a quiz. Do not move the quiz to another desk! You may begin at the start of the quiz period (6:00pm).
  3. All work you want evaluated must be done on the quiz form. Box your answers to free-response questions. Mark your answers to multiple-choice questions on the cover sheet of the quiz form by filling in the appropriate bubble.
  4. When you have finished your quiz, collect your things and bring your quiz to the desk at the front of the room. Present your student ID to the proctor.
  5. Your quiz must be in submited to the proctor by the time the clock in the lecture room reads the end of the quiz period (7:15pm), or, if a line has formed, you must be waiting in it and doing nothing else. Continuing to work after the deadline will result in a substantial penalty in points.
  6. If you finish early, please leave quietly. Please don't disturb your classmates any more than necessary.

Academic Issues

  1. You should not round off intermediate results. Store them in your calculator if you can. If you must write them down, keep extra significant figures.
  2. Don't waste time on a problem if you get stuck: come back to it later if you have time. Partial credit will be awarded on the free-response questions, based on the work shown. There is no penalty for guessing on multiple-choice questions.
  3. Clarifications and corrections may be announced during the test. Glance at the board every now and then.
  4. Your scores will be in the Canvas gradebook.
  5. Grades for Quizzes 1–3 become final when the next quiz is given. Grades for Quiz 4 become final on the first Reading Day. Notify Dr. Murray as soon as possible if there is a problem.