School of Physics

Traditional Introductory Physics I
PHYS 2211 A & B

PHYS 2211 B (Murray)

Instructor: Eric R. Murray
Office: 385C, Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons
Phone: 404/385-1080
Email: Please do NOT contact me through Canvas. Email me directly at eric.murray [at]
Office hours: Wednesday, 2–4pm EDT, as a BlueJeans Meeting.

Recored On-Line Lectures

Mon 23 Mar Quiz #1 Review - Lecture starts at about 0:16
Wed 25 Mar Quiz #2 Review - Lecture starts at about 0:07
Fri 27 Mar Quiz #3 Review - Lecture starts at about 0:06
Mon 30 Mar Momentum & Impulse - Lecture starts at about 0:02
Wed 01 Apr Momentum Conservation - Lecture starts at about 0:03
Fri 03 Apr Inelastic Collisions and Explosions - Lecture starts at about 0:01
Mon 06 Apr Elastic Collisions - Lecture starts at about 0:03
Wed 08 Apr Center of Mass - Lecture starts at about 0:01
Fri 09 Apr Rotational Energy - Lecture starts at about 0:01
Mon 13 Apr Torque - Lecture starts at about 0:03
Wed 15 Apr Rotational Dynamics - Lecture starts at about 0:02
Fri 17 Apr More Rotational Dynamics - Lecture starts at about 0:02
Mon 20 Apr Course Conclusion - Lecture starts at about 0:04

Spring 2020 Schedule

  mon tue wed thu fri
8:00a Usually arrive around 8:30, depending on traffic
9:05a Howey L1
PHYS 2211 B
Howey L1
PHYS 2211 B
Howey L1
PHYS 2211 B
2:00p Clough 385C
Office Hours
5:00p Usually leave around 5:00, always by 6:00, except Quiz evenings