Old Announcements
You are responsible for everything posted here.
- Apr 17
Final Exam Location Change!!!
The final exam will be administered in Instructional Center 103. The announcement below has been edited to reflect this change. I apologize for any confusion this causes. - Apr 17
Final Exam Location and Format
The final exam period has been set by the Registrar's Office. The Final Exam for all PHYS 2212 sections will be administered Wednesday, May 1, 6:00–8:50pm in Instructional Center 103.- You may want to review the Exam Rules. Don't forget your photo ID.
- The Final Exam will have four 13-point Free Response problems and sixteen 3-point Multiple-Choice questions. Some of the Multiple-Choice may require a bit more calculation than the Multiple-Choice did on the quizzes, but many will be strictly conceptual. I intend that topics in the course will be covered roughly evenly — that is, there will be no special emphasis on material after Quiz #4.
- Remember that Quiz 5's from 2014 are available to help you prepare for material after Quiz #4.
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
- Remember the expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- Please note:
- Wednesday, May 1, 6:00–8:50pm. is NOT the usual period corresponding to your lecture time.
- Except for conflicts with CS 1371, Physics will handle all other conflicts, even though standard policies might indicate otherwise
- Apr 12
Quiz #4 Results
Results for Quiz #4 are available as a percent in the Canvas gradebook underQuiz #4
. -
link in the Canvas navigation menu will take you to Gradescope, where you will be able to see how you did on each Free Response problem and Multiple Choice question. Because the FR problems were graded as a percent, but the MC questions were graded as points, it was necessary to treat each student's quiz as if it were two quizzes in Gradescope, one with the FR problems and one with the MC questions. (The score posted in Canvas is your combined score.) Gradescope also shows you an internal code likeProbC (d)
that I use to identify a particular question despite the fact that it has a different question number on different versions of the quiz. - The question about a charging and discharging a capacitor (ProbG) went very badly, and was converted to extra credit. If you wish to confirm your score in Cavas by your own calculation, find the points earned on each FR problem by multiplying the percentage score by the value (16 points), then add the points earned on all the MC questions other than ProbG. Divide the total by 0.92, then add any points earned on ProbG.
- (Note that an error in the grade calculation was corrected at about 4pm on Friday afteroon. If you checked your grade before then, it may have changed.)
If you have questions or concerns about how your quiz was graded, you should contact Dr. Murray (the
request regrade
button in Gradescope is simplest, if that's your concern) before classes end on Tuesday, April 23. - Apr 12
Concept Test for Extra Credit
A Concept Test for extra credit will become available in Canvas at 11:59pm on Sunday, April 14. Note that it is timed—once you start it, you must finish in 60 minutes. The deadline for completion is 11:59pm Sunday, April 21. - Apr 10
Reading Day Study Session
The Center for Academic Success is hosting a two-hour Intro Physics Study Session at 9am on Reading Day, Wednesday, April 24, in Clough 152. - Apr 10
Quiz #4 Solutions
Solutions to Quiz #4 have been posted. I hope to have scores available Friday. - Apr 03
Quiz #4
Quiz #4 will be administered on Tuesday, April 9, at 6:00pm in Howey L1. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR. Do NOT go to the lecture location. -
- Print your name, as it appears in Canvas, very neatly in the two separate Name boxes on the front page.
- Write darkly and neatly. Blue or black ink is recommended. Do not make any erasures in your free-response work. Cross out anything you do not want evaluated. Box your answer.
- Bubble your answers to the multiple-choice question on the front page.
- The formula sheet is on the back of the front page. This page may be removed during the quiz if it makes things easier for you, but it must, of course, be submitted as it has your name and MC answers on it.
- Initial the odd pages in the top margin, in case the pages of your quiz get separated after the staple is removed but before it is scanned.
- If the page for a free-response problem has insuffcient space for your work, ask a proctor for an additional sheet. If you wish this work to be evaluated, put your name on the sheet and make a note on the problem page, so graders will know to look at the extra sheet for your work.
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- You may want to review the Quiz Rules. Don't forget your photo ID.
- Apr 02
There's been an update to the PostEm Tool in Canvas. You should not notice any changes, but since we're piloting PostEm for the Institute, there may be unexpected effects. Please contact Dr. Murray if you run into any difficulties. - Mar 26
Final Exam Period
The final exam period has been set by the Registrar's Office. The Final Exam for all PHYS 2212 sections will be administered Wednesday, May 1, 6:00–8:50pm. A direct (Class I) conflict should be extremely unlikely, but it is possible to have three exams scheduled on the same day (a Class II conflict). Check the exam schedule for your other classes now, and contact Dr. Murray by email as soon as possible, but certainly by Friday, April 12, if you have a conflict. Please note:- Wednesday, May 1, 6:00–8:50pm. is NOT the usual period corresponding to your lecture time.
- Except for conflicts with CS 1371, Physics will handle all other conflicts, even though standard policies might indicate otherwise
- Mar 15
Quiz #3 Results
Results for Quiz #3 are available as a percent in the Canvas gradebook underQuiz #3
. -
link in the Canvas navigation menu will take you to Gradescope, where you will be able to see how you did on each Free Response problem and Multiple Choice question. Because the FR problems were graded as a percent, but the MC questions were graded as points, it was necessary to treat each student's quiz as if it were two quizzes in Gradescope, one with the FR problems and one with the MC questions. (The score posted in Canvas is your combined score.) Gradescope also shows you an internal code likeProbC (d)
that I use to identify a particular question and its correct answer despite the fact that it has a different question number and a different correct answer choice on different versions of the quiz. -
If you have questions or concerns about how your quiz was graded, you should contact Dr. Murray (the
request regrade
button in Gradescope is simplest, if that's your concern) before Quiz #4 is administered on Tuesday, April 9. - Mar 14
National Security Enterprise Day
Monday, March 25, is National Security Enterprise Day. - Mar 13
Quiz #3 Solutions and Results
Solutions to Quiz #3 have been posted. I hope to have scores available Friday. - Mar 06
Unofficial Mid-Term Grades
Unofficial Mid-Term Grades are available under PostEm in Canvas. - Mar 06
Quiz #3
Quiz #3 will be administered on Tuesday, March 12, at 6:00pm in Howey L1. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR. Do NOT go to the lecture location. -
- Print your name, as it appears in Canvas, very neatly in the Name box on the front page.
- Write darkly and neatly. Blue or black ink is recommended. Do not make any erasures in your free-response work. Cross out anything you do not want evaluated. Box your answer.
- Bubble your answers to the multiple-choice question on the front page.
- The formula sheet is on the back of the front page. This page may be removed during the quiz if it makes things easier for you, but it must, of course, be submitted as it has your name and MC answers on it.
- Initial the odd pages in the top margin, in case the pages of your quiz get separated after the staple is removed but before it is scanned.
- If the page for a free-response problem has insuffcient space for your work, ask a proctor for an additional sheet. If you wish this work to be evaluated, put your name on the sheet and make a note on the problem page, so graders will know to look at the extra sheet for your work.
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- You may want to review the Quiz Rules. Don't forget your photo ID.
- Mar 06
Labs and Recitations
To better synchronize them with lecture, Labs and Recitations WILL NOT MEET in the week of March 11. If you ever find yourself wondering whether they are going to meet, remember that the Lab and Recitation schedules are posted. - Feb 28
Public Lecture Records
Attendance records for the two Public Lectures are available in the Canvas PostEm tool. Presence is indicated by100
and absence is indicated by0
. Oneother
point was earned for attending at least one of these Lectures. Contact Dr. Murray if you have any questions or concerns. - Feb 22
Quiz #2 Results
Results for Quiz #2 are available as a percent in the Canvas gradebook underQuiz #2
. -
link in the Canvas navigation menu will take you to Gradescope, where you will be able to see how you did on each Free Response problem and Multiple Choice question. Because the FR problems were graded as a percent, but the MC questions were graded as points, it was necessary to treat each student's quiz as if it were two quizzes in Gradescope, one with the FR problems and one with the MC questions. (The score posted in Canvas is your combined score.) Gradescope also shows you an internal code likeProbC (d)
that I use to identify a particular question and its correct answer despite the fact that it has a different question number and a different correct answer choice on different versions of the quiz. -
If you have questions or concerns about how your quiz was graded, you should contact Dr. Murray (the
request regrade
button in Gradescope is simplest, if that's your concern) before Quiz #3 is administered on Tuesday, March 12. - Feb 21
Georgia Tech-Lorraine
GT Lorraine reminds you that PHYS 2212 is a pre-requisite for several classes they offer. - Feb 20
Quiz #2 Solutions and Results
Solutions to Quiz #2 have been posted. I hope to have scores available Friday. - Feb 19
Final Public Lecture
The second (and final!) Public Lecture for "other" points is:- Monday, February 25, at 6:00pm in CULC 152 - Zeb Rocklin - The Science of Origami.
- Feb 14
Quiz #2
Quiz #2 will be administered on Tuesday, February 19, at 6:00pm in Howey L1. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR. Do NOT go to the lecture location. -
Print your
Canvas name
very neatly in the Name box on the front page. - Write darkly and neatly. Blue or black ink is recommended. Do not make any erasures in your free-response work. Cross out anything you do not want evaluated. Box your answer.
- Bubble your answers to the multiple-choice question on the front page.
- The formula sheet is on the back of the front page. This page may be removed during the quiz if it makes things easier for you, but it must, of course, be submitted as it has your name and MC answers on it.
- Initial the odd pages in the top margin, in case the pages of your quiz get separated after the staple is removed but before it is scanned.
- If the page for a free-response problem has insuffcient space for your work, ask a proctor for an additional sheet. If you wish this work to be evaluated, put your name on the sheet and make a note on the problem page, so graders will know to look at the extra sheet for your work.
Print your
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- You may want to review the Quiz Rules. Don't forget your photo ID.
- Feb 14
Progress Reports
Progress Reports (Mid-Term Grades) have been sent to the Registrar. - Feb 11
Quiz #1 Results
Results for Quiz #1 are available as a percent in the Canvas gradebook underQuiz #1
. -
link in the Canvas navigation menu will take you to Gradescope, where you will be able to see how you did on each Free Response problem and Multiple Choice question. Because the FR problems were graded as a percent, but the MC questions were graded as points, it was necessary to treat each student's quiz as if it were two quizzes in Gradescope, one with the FR problems and one with the MC questions. (The score posted in Canvas is your combined score.) Gradescope also shows you an internal code likeProbC (d)
that I use to identify a particular question and its correct answer despite the fact that it has a different question number and a different correct answer choice on different versions of the quiz. (Two answers for ProbD earned full credit.) -
If you have questions or concerns about how your quiz was graded, you should contact Dr. Murray (the
request regrade
button in Gradescope is simplest, if that's your concern) before Quiz #2 is administered on Tuesday, February 19. - Feb 06
Quiz #1 Solutions and Results
Solutions to Quiz #1 have been posted. I hope to have scores available later this week. - Feb 06
Public Lecture Update
It has been brought to my attention that one of the Public Lectures conflicts with a quiz. I've removed it from the list, leaving us with:- Wednesday, February 6, at 6:30pm in CULC 152 - Jim Sowell - How the Universe Made the Elements in the Periodic Table.
- Monday, February 25, at 6:00pm in CULC 152 - Zeb Rocklin - The Science of Origami.
- Jan 31
Public Lecture Update
The first Public Lecture forother
points is this Wednesday, February 6. The second Public Lecture now has a title.- Wednesday, February 6, at 6:30pm in CULC 152 - Jim Sowell - How the Universe Made the Elements in the Periodic Table.
- Monday, February 25, at 6:00pm in CULC 152 - Zeb Rocklin - The Science of Origami.
- Tuesday, March 12, at 6:00 pm in CULC 152 - Michael Lemonick - How a Failed Astrophysics Major Became a Successful Science Writer.
- Jan 31
Postponed Quiz #1 Location
The postponed Quiz #1 will be administered on Tuesday, February 5, at 6:00pm in Howey L1, which is the same location originally planned. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR. Do NOT go to the lecture location. -
Remember that your quiz form will be scanned into Gradescope for grading:
- Write darkly and neatly. Blue or black ink is recommended. Do not make any erasures in your free-response work. Cross out anything you do not want evaluated. Box your answer.
- Bubble your answers to the multiple-choice question on the front page.
- The formula sheet is on the back of the front page. This page may be removed during the quiz if it makes things easier for you, but it must, of course, be submitted as it has your name and MC answers on it.
- Initial the odd pages in the top margin, in case the pages of your quiz get separated after the staple is removed but before it is scanned.
- If the page for a free-response problem has insuffcient space for your work, ask a proctor for an additional sheet. If you wish this work to be evaluated, put your name on the sheet and make a note on the problem page, so graders will know to look at the extra sheet for your work.
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- You may want to review the Quiz Rules. Don't forget your photo ID.
- Jan 28
Quiz #1 Postponed
Due to the weather-related campus closure on Tue, Jan 29, Quiz #1 is postponed exactly one week, to 6:00pm on Tue, Feb 5. We may not be able to use Howey L1 — I'll let you know once I have a confirmed location. - Jan 25
Quiz #1 Location and Format
Quiz #1 will be administered on Tuesday, January 29, at 6:00pm in Howey L1. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR. Do NOT go to the lecture location. -
The quiz will be formatted like Quizzes 3 and 4 from last semester.
- Write darkly and neatly. Blue or black ink is recommended. Do not make any erasures in your free-response work. Cross out anything you do not want evaluated. Box your answer.
- Bubble your answers to the multiple-choice question on the front page.
- The formula sheet is on the back of the front page. This page may be removed during the quiz if it makes things easier for you, but it must, of course, be submitted as it has your name and MC answers on it.
- Initial the odd pages in the top margin, in case the pages of your quiz get separated after the staple is removed but before it is scanned.
- If the page for a free-response problem has insuffcient space for your work, ask a proctor for an additional sheet. If you wish this work to be evaluated, put your name on the sheet and make a note on the problem page, so graders will know to look at the extra sheet for your work.
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- You may want to review the Quiz Rules. Don't forget your photo ID.
- Jan 24
More International Education Opportunities
The Office of International Education would like to call your attention to the Scotland Summer Program. The Program Director has posted more information. - Jan 22
Quiz #1
Quiz #1 will be administered on Tuesday, January 29, at 6:00pm in a location to be announced. You may want to review the Quiz Rules. Don't forget your photo ID. - Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- Jan 22
MasteringPhysics Access
An access code for permanent access to MasteringPhysics, as well as a link to instructions, has been sent to you by email, and is available in Piazza. All wk02 homework deadlines have been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 23. I apologize for missing the deadline on this. - Jan 22
Public Lecture Schedule Update
We have the complete schedule (but not titles) of Public Lectures for the semester:- Wednesday, February 6, at 6:30pm in CULC 152 - Jim Sowell - How the Universe Made the Elements in the Periodic Table.
- Monday, February 25, at 6:00pm in CULC 152 - Zeb Rocklin - Title TBA.
- Tuesday, March 12, at 6:00 pm in CULC 152 - Michael Lemonick - How a Failed Astrophysics Major Became a Successful Science Writer.
- Jan 22
International Education Opportunities
The Office of International Education would like to call your attention to the China Summer Program. - Jan 18
Public Lecture Schedule
We have a partial schedule of Public Lectures for the semester:- Wednesday, February 6, at 6:30pm in CULC 152 - Jim Sowell - How the Universe Made the Elements in the Periodic Table.
- Probably one sometime in late February.
- Tuesday, March 12, at 6:00 pm in CULC 152 - Michael Lemonick - How a Failed Astrophysics Major Became a Successful Science Writer.
- Jan 18
Reading Question and Class Participation Scores
First week "practice" class participation scores have been removed from PostEm in Canvas. "Real" Reading Question (RQ) and Class Participation (CP) scores from the second week, along with averages, are now available there. My plan is to update these about weekly. - Jan 17
The solution to the first recitation problem has been posted. This will be done after each recitation is complete, and so will not normally be announced. - Jan 17
King Day Week
Labs and Recitations WILL MEET in the week of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (although not actually on MLK Day, of course). If you ever find yourself wondering whether they are going to meet, remember that the Lab and Recitation schedules are posted. - Jan 16
PostEm Problem Resolved
The latest PostEm problem should be fixed, now, and homework grades from the first week should be available. Let me know if you still have difficulties. - Jan 16
PostEm Problem
New PostEm files (like the file of homework scores) aren't visible to students. OIT is investigating — something at their end changed between my posting erroneous homework scores Tuesday morning, and posting corrected homework scores this morning. I'll put another announcement here once the problem's been fixed. - Jan 15
Homework Scores
Scores for the first week's homework, including extra credit for doing the Regular homework early, are available in the Canvas PostEm Tool. Note that extra credit will only appear in scores posted on Canvas, never in MasteringPhysics. Contact Dr. Murray if anything doesn't look right. - OIT believes the widespread problem PostEm had over the weekend has been fixed. They're still working on a problem that they believe only affects students accessing Canvas from off-campus. In any case, if you run into any problems with PostEm, notice any oddities, or have any suggestions, please let Dr. Murray know.
- Jan 15
Spring All-Majors Career Fair
You may be interested in the Spring All-Majors Career Fair, in McCamish Pavilion, January 16 & 17, 9:30–4:00. - Jan 11
Study Soup
Study Soup is looking for note takers. I, and Tech, do not endorse them in any way, and I wouldn't have brought them to your attention except for the fact that I promised I would before I realized they weren't a campus organization. If you're interested, you can request more information through a Google doc. - Jan 11
Peer-Led Undergraduate Study
The Center for Academic Success offers Peer-Led Undergraduate Study (PLUS) with Mary Didier on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8:30–9:30pm, in Clough 125. - Jan 11
Practice Class Participation Scores
Scores for questions polled in class during the first week are available under01-09
in the Canvas PostEm Tool. Since the first week is for practice, these points don't matter. If you see a non-zero score, you know that your account is active and your answers are being received. If you believe you have activated your TurningPoint account and answered questions in class those days, but are seeing scores of zero, or no scores at all, contact Dr. Murray. - Note that we're piloting the PostEm Tool for Georgia Tech this semester — only one other course is using it. If you run into any problems with it, notice any oddities, or have any suggestions, please let Dr. Murray know.
First Day:
- Familiarize yourself with the class web page and all course policies.
- Be sure to enroll in MasteringPhysics for this course, but do NOT purchase access! Choose the free temporary access until permanent access can be arranged by the School of Physics. The first assignments are due Tuesday, January 15, but bonus points can be earned by doing it by 10am before the next class meeting. All MasteringPhysics issues should be brought to Dr. Murray's attention by email.
- A Diagnostic Concept Test is available on Canvas for extra credit. Note that it is timed—once you start it, you must finish in 60 minutes. The deadline for completion is 11:59pm this Sunday, January 13.
- All students will need to register a Turning Technologies transmitter or Mobile ID in Canvas. We will begin using them in class on Wednesday, January 9, but the results will not count for credit until Monday, January 14.
- There will be no recitations or labs in the first week of class.
- Students with Disability Services letters must see Dr. Murray in Clough 385C. Sooner is better than later, but this must definitely be done by Thursday, January 24.
An e-text of Physics for Scientists and Engineers — A Strategic Approach (Fourth Edition)
by Randall D. Knight will be provided with MasteringPhysics. If you wish to purchase a hard copy,
- Chapters 22 through 31 will be covered.
- If you are buying the softcover multi-volume edition, you will need only Volume Two.
- The Student Workbook has been found to provide valuable practice for conceptual questions.
You may be interested in the distribution of course grades by class attendance in PHYS 2212
for more than 2500 students from Fall 2004, when the Knight text was adopted, through Spring 2008.
![Students who attend class earn better grades](../images/Attend_All.png)
You should be aware that there is a wealth of historical data in the traditional introductory physics
courses that clearly point out two winning strategies
go to class and
do EXTRA homework.
Please take some time to look over this data; you may be surprised at how much of a difference
such efforts can make, popular myths
to the contrary notwithstanding.
How to Earn an "A"
Students who earned a grade of "A" in some previous semesters were invited to provide suggestions for students
this semester. If you want to know how they did it, and how (we hope)
you can too, read their advice.