Honor Code Policies
The policy on academic integrity as stated in the GIT Honor Code will be fully enforced during this course. In particular:
- Collaboration in-class activities is permitted and encouraged unless your instructor explicitly indicates otherwise. Students are NOT permitted to use another student's TurningPoint transmitter or ResponseWare account in lecture. (One transmitter per student and one student per transmitter.)
- Collaboration on homework assignments is permitted and encouraged unless your instructor explicitly indicates otherwise. However, students are NOT permitted to use a second MasteringPhysics account — either their own or that of another student. Using or accessing solutions without first working the problems is not permitted. Dropping the course does not relieve students of their obligations under the Honor Code.
- Collaboration among students, or any form of communication between students, is NOT permitted during the examination periods for the tests or the final. This includes "one sided" communication such as viewing another student's test, exam, or scantron form.
Remember that the permitted collaboration on homework and in-class activities involves students learning physics together. One student simply getting answers from another is not collaboration, and is not permitted.
Also, altering a quiz and submitting it for grade reconsideration is NOT permitted. Note that if an alteration has been made for a students own purposes (for example, as a reminder of a correct approach), such alteration MUST be explicitly declared at the time grade reconsideration is requested.
Violations of these rules will be forwarded to the Office of Student Integrity.
Note that the Honor Code formally defines academic dishonesty as …any act
that does or could improperly distort student grades or other student academic records.
If you should have any question regarding the propriety of a particular behavior, you are
encouraged to discuss the matter with your instructor.