Setting Up Your Transmitter
Class participation and attendance will be monitored through a series of in-class
mini-quizzes and polling-type questions. Data will be collected via a radio-frequency
response system, and displayed graphically in real time. In order to participate in
this response system, each student must either purchase a
ResponseCard-NXT transmitter, a
QT Device
or subscribe to ResponseWare and use their own mobile device.
If you wish to use ResponseWare, you must create a Turning Account and purchase a license.
- Create a Turning Account at
- Sign in to your Turning Account. Select License from the navigation bar.
- Click Purchase to be redirected to the Turning Technologies Student Store. Select a ResponseWare License or a bundle that includes Responseware.
- Checkout. The license will be automatically added to your Turning Account.
Honor Code policies for this course prohibit any manner of responding that might simulate
the presence in class of a student who is actually absent, or is in some way present but
not participating
(e.g. napping). One transmitter per student and one student per transmitter.
Once you have purchased your transmitter or subscribed to ResponseWare, you will need to register the device ID, so that your responses will be properly credited to you:
Log on to TSquare (
Go to the tab for this course, and select "Clickers" from the menu.
Follow the instructions provided to register your device ID. It can be found on the back of your
transmitter, as a six-digit hexadecimal number.
In addition, your transmitter should be programmed with your GT Account Name (gburdell3) under "Your I.D.".
Make sure your transmitter has the latest version of the firmware (currently 2.1.5). Don't just assume that
a new transmitter will have the latest firmware! Update your firmware if necessary. See the
CETL Clicker FAQ for more information.
At the beginning of each class period, you will need to tune your transmitter to the proper channel:
Press the
button on your clicker. (There is no need to power on first; the clicker operates in perpetual standby mode, just like a TV remote.)
Input the channel displayed on the overhead projector, and hit the
The CETL Clicker FAQ
includes a very important warning about using the correct answer screen.
Note that the software does not track scores by "Your I.D.", but by device ID. It is therefore imperative that you show up for class every day with the same transmitter. If you must change your transmitter for some reason, contact Dr. Murray with your new device ID. Do NOT simply re-register your new transmitter on T-Square!