Old Announcements
You are responsible for everything posted here.
- Nov 28
Reading Day Group Tutoring
The Center for Academic Success is hosting a two-hour Intro Physics group tutoring session at 10am on Reading Day, Wednesday, December 7, in CULC 152. Students are encouraged to bring their previous exams, quizzes and problem assignments to work on and any other problems with which they would like help. Coffee and snacks will be provided. - Nov 28
Mechanics Assessment
Another Mechanics Assessment is available on WebAssign, due this coming Sunday at midnight for extra credit. - Nov 21
Public Lecture Records
Attendance records for the first Public Lecture, on Nov 17, are available in PostEm in T-Square. A "1" indicates that your presence was recorded. Contact Dr. Murray with any questions you have. - Nov 21
Public Lectures
The second Public Lecture is approaching. Remaining Public Lectures are:- Mon, Nov 28 in CULC 152 - Prof. Elisabetta Matsumoto - Purls of Wisdom: The Geometry and Topology of Weavables, Wearables and Wallpaper
- Tue, Dec 06 - Details still TBA.
- Nov 18
Quiz #4 Results
Results for Quiz #4 have been posted under PostEm on T-Square. You will find your score, your form number, your responses for multiple-choice questions 1–7, and credit issued for free-response questions I–III. You will find correct answers to the multiple-choice questions, by form number, in a table "MC Answers" on the Quiz Solutions page. -
The question about the sliding book
went very poorly and was converted to an extra credit question.
- If you wish to calculate your quiz score yourself, add the points earned on all questions other than the extra credit question. Divide the result by 0.92, and add any points earned on the (now) extra-credit question. Round properly. This should match the score posted on T-Square. Scores may exceed 100%.
- If you have questions or concerns about how your quiz was graded once it is returned in recitation, you should see Dr. Murray before the Final Exam is administered on December 14.
- Nov 15
Quiz #4 Solutions
Solutions to Quiz #4 have been posted. We hope to have grades posted by Friday. Quiz forms will be returned in recitation after Thanksgiving. - Nov 11
Public Lectures
We have details for the first couple Public Lectures. They will be at 6pm on:- Thu, Nov 17 in CULC 152 - Alek Aksimentiev - The Physics of Genes and the Promise of Personalized Medicine
- Mon, Nov 28 in CULC 152 - Prof. Elisabetta Matsumoto - Purls of Wisdom: The Geometry and Topology of Weavables, Wearables and Wallpaper
- Tue, Dec 06 - Details still TBA.
- Nov 08
Quiz #4
Quiz #4 will be administered on Monday, November 14, at 6:05pm. Students should go to the following rooms for this quiz, which are the same as for previous quizzes. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR (unless, of course, it just happens to match the location below). If any student goes to the wrong room, it is likely that there will be insufficient seats and/or quiz forms in that room!- Section A (Murray 11a)
- Family Names A–O - Howey-Physics L1
- Family Names P–Z - Howey-Physics L2
- Section B (Matsumoto 12n)
- All Students - Howey-Physics L4
- Section A (Murray 11a)
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- Nov 02
WebAssign Extension
Due to an issue at WebAssign, all homework due at midnight Tuesday, November 01, has been reset to be due at midnight Thursday, November 03. This includes all wk10 assignments, and the extra credit for wk11a. - Oct 25
Unofficial Mid-Term Grades
Unofficial Mid-Term Grades have been posted under PostEm on T-Square. - Oct 24
Public Lectures
We (finally!) have a schedule for the Public Lectures. They will be at 6pm on:- Thursday, Nov 17
- Monday, Nov 28
- Tuesday, Dec 06
- Oct 21
Quiz #3 Results
Results for Quiz #3 have been posted under PostEm on T-Square. You will find your score, your form number, your responses for multiple-choice questions 1–7, and credit issued for free-response questions I–III. You will find correct answers to the multiple-choice questions, by form number, in a table "MC Answers" on the Quiz Solutions page. -
The question about the FBD on a rotating Earth
went very poorly and was converted to an extra credit question.
- If you wish to calculate your quiz score yourself, add the points earned on all questions other than the extra credit question. Divide the result by 0.92, and add any points earned on the (now) extra-credit question. Round properly. This should match the score posted on T-Square. Scores may exceed 100%.
- If you have questions or concerns about how your quiz was graded once it is returned in recitation, you should see Dr. Murray before the Quiz #4 is administered on November 14.
- Oct 20
Quiz #3 Solutions
Solutions to Quiz #3 have been posted. We hope to have grades posted by Friday. Quiz forms will be returned in recitation next week. - Oct 11
Quiz #3
Quiz #3 will be administered on Monday, October 17, at 6:05pm. Students should go to the following rooms for this quiz, which are the same as for previous quizzes. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR (unless, of course, it just happens to match the location below). If any student goes to the wrong room, it is likely that there will be insufficient seats and/or quiz forms in that room!- Section A (Murray 11a)
- Family Names A–O - Howey-Physics L1
- Family Names P–Z - Howey-Physics L2
- Section B (Matsumoto 12n)
- All Students - Howey-Physics L4
- Section A (Murray 11a)
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- Oct 06
Quiz #2 Results
Results for Quiz #2 have been posted under PostEm on T-Square. You will find your score, your form number, your responses for multiple-choice questions 1–7, and credit issued for free-response questions I–III. You will find correct answers to the multiple-choice questions, by form number, in a table "MC Answers" on the Quiz Solutions page. - Quiz forms will be returned in recitation the week after Fall Recess Week. This means you won't have it before the usual "next quiz" deadline for bringing grade questions or concerns to Dr. Murray. For Quiz #2, therefore, the deadline will be Monday, October 31.
- Oct 05
Quiz #2 Solutions
Solutions to Quiz #2 have been posted. We hope to have grades posted by Friday. Quiz forms should be returned in recitation the week after Fall Recess Week. - Sep 29
Progress Reports
Progress Reports (Mid-Term Grades) have been sent to the Registrar. - Sep 27
Quiz #2
Quiz #2 will be administered on Monday, October 3, at 6:05pm. Students should go to the following rooms for this quiz, which are the same as for Quiz #1. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR (unless, of course, it just happens to match the location below). If any student goes to the wrong room, it is likely that there will be insufficient seats and/or quiz forms in that room!- Section A (Murray 11a)
- Family Names A–O - Howey-Physics L1
- Family Names P–Z - Howey-Physics L2
- Section B (Matsumoto 12n)
- All Students - Howey-Physics L4
- Section A (Murray 11a)
- Remember that calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Do not expect to be provided with an appropriate calculator if you do not bring your own.
Remember our expectations for your work on the free response problems, which are the same good problem-solving practices
you should be using on the homework, anyway.
- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- Sep 15
Quiz #1 Results
Results for Quiz #1 have been posted under PostEm on T-Square. You will find your score, your form number, your responses for multiple-choice questions 1–7, and credit issued for free-response questions I–III. You will find correct answers to the multiple-choice questions, by form number, in a table "MC Answers" on the Quiz Solutions page. - If you have questions or concerns about how your quiz was graded once it is returned in recitation, you should see Dr. Murray before the next quiz is administered on October 3.
- Sep 14
Learning Assistance Program
The Learning Assistance Program is a free drop-in tutoring service in freshman experience dorms. Tutoring is provided Sunday through Wednesday, 8–11 pm. There are 5 Learning Centers. On West Campus: Caldwell and Montag Residence Halls. On East Campus: Matheson and Cloudman Residence Halls along with the GT Connector. Tutoring offered in Calculus, Physics, Computer Science and Chemistry. - Sep 13
Quiz #1 Solutions
Solutions to Quiz #1 have been posted. We hope to have grades posted by Friday. Quiz forms should be returned in recitation next week. - Sep 08
Quiz Locations have been determined!
Quiz #1 will be administered on Monday, September 12, at 6:05pm. Students should go to the following rooms for this and future quizzes. Do NOT go to the location listed in OSCAR (unless, of course, it just happens to match the location below). If any student goes to the wrong room, it is likely that there will be insufficient seats and/or quiz forms in that room!- Section A (Murray 11a)
- Family Names A–O - Howey-Physics L1
- Family Names P–Z - Howey-Physics L2
- Section B (Matsumoto 12n)
- All Students - Howey-Physics L4
- Section A (Murray 11a)
- Sep 08
Quiz Calculator Policy
Calculators that cannot store text may be used on the quizzes and final exam. Note that if your calculator keypad includes a complete alphabet, that's a very good sign that it cannot be used. Our expectations for your work on the free response problems are the same good problem-solving practices you should be using on the homework, anyway.- Units should be shown with any value that has a unit
- Algebraic manipulations should be performed with symbols, not values
- Consider, but do not obsess over, significant figures
- Sep 02
Labor Day
Labs and Recitations do NOT meet in Labor Day week. Remember that the Lab and Recitation schedules are posted, so you can check them if you are ever wondering if they'll meet. - Sep 02
Solutions to the first recitation problem has been posted. This will be done after each recitation is complete, and so will not normally be announced. - Aug 31
Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering Kickoff Meeting is Thursday, September 01, in Van Leer 341 C. Lunch will be provided! - Aug 31
TurningPoint Registration
The "Clicker" tool in T-Square will be disabled first thing tomorrow (Thursday) morning, Sep 01. If you have not registered your transmitter or ResponseWare ID by then, or if your ID changes during the semester, you'll need to contact Dr. Murray by email with the ID. - Aug 26
In-Class Scores for Practice
Raw scores for questions polled in class with the TurningPoint system during the first week of class are available under PostEm in T-Square. In the future, Class Participation and Reading Question scores will be posted seperately, and each day's scores will be scaled to the best score of the day (that is, someone will earn 100% by definition). Since the first week was for practice, these points don't matter. If you see non-zero scores, you know that your answers are being received. If you believe you have registered your transmitter or Responseware ID in T-Square, and have been answering questions in class, but are seeing scores of zero, or no scores at all, contact Dr. Murray.
First Day:
- Familiarize yourself with the class web page and all course policies. Bookmark this page!
- Be sure to enroll in WebAssign™ for this course. The first assignment is due Tuesday night, Aug 30, but bonus points can be earned by doing it by 9am before the next class meeting. All WebAssign issues should be brought to Dr. Murray's attention by email. Please do not send them to other instructors. They'll just forward them to Dr. Murray, which delays resolution of the problem.
Motion Assessment Diagnostic Concept Test is available on WebAssign for extra credit. Note that it is timed—once you start it, you must finish in 60 minutes. The deadline for completion is 11:59pm this Sunday, August 28.
- All students will need a Turning Technologies NXT or QT transmitter, or a subscription to ResponseWare. We will begin using them in class on Wednesday, Aug 24, but the results will not count for credit until Monday, Aug 29.
- There will be no recitations or labs in the first week of class. Do not come to the Tuesday evening time quiz period listed in OSCAR during the first week.
- Space is available in PHYS 2802, Problem Solving Techniques.
- Students with ADAPTS letters must see Dr. Murray in Clough 385C, even if they have already contacted their own instructor. Sooner is better than later, but this must definitely be done by Thursday, September 8.
Not surprisingly, all students will need a text. We'll be using Physics for Scientists and
Engineers — A Strategic Approach (Fourth Edition) by Randall D. Knight.
- Chapters 1 through 13 will be covered.
- If you are buying the softcover multi-volume edition, you will need only Volume One.
- The Student Workbook has been found to provide valuable practice for conceptual questions.
You may be interested in the distribution of course grades by class attendance in PHYS 2212
for more than 2500 students from Fall 2004, when the Knight text was adopted, through Spring 2008.

You should be aware that there is a wealth of historical data in the traditional introductory physics
courses that clearly point out two winning strategies
go to class and
do EXTRA homework.
Please take some time to look over this data; you may be surprised at how much of a difference
such efforts can make, popular myths
to the contrary notwithstanding.
How to Earn an "A"
Students who earned a grade of "A" in some previous semesters were invited to provide suggestions for students
this semester. If you want to know how they did it, and how (we hope)
you can too, read their advice.